
Demonstrating the safety of a geological disposal facility (GDF)

The generic Disposal System Safety Case demonstrates how a geological disposal facility can be designed, constructed and operated safely.

This suite of documents is designated as a ‘generic’ safety case: it is not site-specific as no site has yet been chosen for a geological disposal facility (GDF). It sets out how a GDF can be designed, constructed and operated safely, in compliance with regulatory guidance, in a range of geological environments. This safety case underpins a process for packaging waste ready for disposal in such a facility.

This latest update brings together:

  • a revised inventory for disposal
  • findings from a comprehensive, ongoing research programme
  • learning from facilities around the world.

This collection of documents is structured in the following way:

  • The overview provides a guide to the suite of safety case documents
  • There are three main safety case reports on transport, operational and environmental safety
  • There are a series of individual assessments for the different safety case reports. These are split into:
    • transport safety assessment
    • operational safety assessment
    • environmental safety assessment
    • environmental and sustainability assessments
  • There is a detailed specification for the disposal system
  • The design of the transport system and the disposal facility are described
  • Further information is provided in the associated knowledge base including specific research status reports

In November 2018 the Environment Agency and the Office for Nuclear Regulation jointly published two reports:

RWM welcomes the advice and scrutiny provided by the regulators. The reports will help us ensure we have a good understanding of the regulatory requirements necessary to enable environmental permitting and the granting of a nuclear site licence for geological disposal activities. RWM continues to engage with the regulators on how we address their recommendations in our work programme.


This document provides a guide to the suite of safety case publications

Safety cases

The three main reports on transport, operational and environmental safety


Transport, operational and environmental safety assessments, together with environmental & sustainability assessments.

Disposal system specification

Requirements for a geological disposal facility


Illustrative designs on aspects of geological disposal

Knowledge base

Supplementary information for the safety cases

Updates to this page

Published 3 August 2017
Last updated 16 November 2018 show all updates
  1. A short statement in response to the publication of two reports by the Environment Agency and the Office for Nuclear Regulation

  2. Re-ordering of content on page

  3. First published.