DfE: monthly workforce management information
This collection brings together documents relating to monthly workforce management information.
The monthly workforce management information covers payroll and non-payroll staffing numbers and payroll costs for the Department for Education. The staffing numbers are as at the end of the month while the payroll costs are for the entire month, so they may not correlate.
- These figures are not official statistics. They are internal workforce management information published in the interests of transparency.
- These figures have not been reconciled centrally with any national statistics. Where differences appear between the monthly information and national statistics, clarifying comments are provided.
- The Office for National Statistics’ quarterly public sector employment survey continues to provide an official headline measure for comparing the overall size of employment in central government organisations with other sectors of the economy at the relevant quarterly reference point.
- Given the wide range of organisations covered, caution should be exercised when drawing inferences from the figures, and care should be taken when making comparisons between organisations. Users of this management information should refer to any additional commentary and notes, where these are provided.
Updates to this page
Added 'DfE monthly workforce management information: 2024 to 2025'.
Added 'DfE monthly workforce management information: 2023 to 2024'.
Added 'DfE monthly workforce management information: 2022 to 2023'.
Added 'DfE monthly workforce management information: 2021 to 2022'.
Added DfE monthly workforce management information: 2019 to 2020 and DfE monthly workforce management information: 2020 to 2021.
Added 'DfE monthly workforce management information: 2018 to 2019'.
Added 'DfE monthly workforce management information: 2017 to 2018'.
Added 'DfE monthly workforce management information: 2016 to 2017'.
Added 'DfE workforce data for the financial year 2015 to 2016'.
First published.