DWP statistics tabulation tool
Our tabulation tool allows you to download and customise DWP statistics.
Our tabulation tool lets you download and customise DWP National Statistics on:
- benefit caseloads
- benefit on and off flows
- National Insurance contributions and qualifying years and second tier pension provision – taken from the Lifetime Labour Market Database
In June 2016 we notified users via a statistical notice that we will stop updating the DWP Tabulation Tool. The November 2016 release of the Tabulation Tool will be the last but it will still be available with historic data until March 2017. The latest data available in the Tabulation Tool will be at May 2016. Read more about our plans to stop updating the Tabulation Tool and move our statistics onto the Stat-Xplore online tool.
Stat-Xplore is another way to explore DWP statistics. It currently holds statistics on:
- Housing Benefit claimant data
- JSA and ESA sanctions
- National Insurance number allocations to adult overseas nationals entering the UK
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
- benefit cap
- Universal Credit
- Work Programme
Use Stat-Xplore to:
- create customised tabulations
- view results in interactive charts
- share outputs via social networking tools or download into common file formats
We welcome views on Stat-Xplore from our users. Please contact Stat.Xplore@dwp.gsi.gov.uk for feedback and queries on Stat-Xplore.
Benefit caseloads
The Work and Pensions Longitudinal Study (WPLS) data are based on 100% of claimants (tabtool) and cover information such as:
- age and gender of claimant
- duration of their spell on benefit
- geographical locations of claimants
If you need a more detailed breakdown for one benefit (for example the type of JSA in payment) you may need to use our 5% sample data (tabtool) which has more detail but less comprehensive coverage.
Please use the WPLS data first, and only access the samples if the breakdowns that you need are not available on the WPLS.
DWP recommends that, where the detail is only available on the 5% sample data the proportions derived should be applied to the overall 100% total for the benefit.
Our tabulation tool guidance lists the information available from each data source and provides more information.
We’ve published information about the differences between DWP Jobseeker’s Allowance statistics and Office for National Statistics claimant count statistics.
Caseload statistics
- Benefit caseload national statistics (WPLS data) (includes ESA)
- Neighbourhood statistics data: ward and super output area/data zone
- Census output area numbers for England and Wales
We also have a one-click working-age client group tabulation tool.
Sanctions and disallowances
From 22 October 2012, new regulations introduced a regime of fixed period sanctions, which replaced the existing sanction rules and moved claimants closer to the sanction regime planned for Universal Credit in 2013.
JSA sanction statistics from 22 October 2012 are no longer available via the Tabulation Tool. Updated sanctions statistics are now available via Stat-Xplore.
Benefit flows
The benefit flows tabulation tool, due for release alongside the statistical summary, has been delayed due to technical problems. Further updates will be posted on this page and in the Welfare and Benefits community section on the StatsUserNet website.
A time-series of quarterly flows figures is available from August 1999:
A one-click table for Pension Credit new claims by month is also available.
Employment programmes
Our policy on helping people to find and stay in work includes managing the Work Programme.
Work Programme statistics are now available via Stat-Xplore, not the tabulation tool.
There is more information on our employment programme support official statistics page.
National Insurance contributions and qualifying years and second tier pension provision
The National Insurance contributions and qualifying years and second tier pension provision tabulation tool uses data from the Lifetime Labour Market Database (L2).
It provides information on:
- people who have paid National Insurance contributions since 1978-1979
- membership of contracted-out pension schemes and SERPS/S2P membership since the introduction of contracted out schemes in 1978/79
Statistical summaries
Our monthly statistical summaries provide general information on benefit and employment programme statistics including contextual information.
Contacts and more information
There are contact details and more information on the main DWP statistics page.
Updates to this page
Published revised information about planned changes to the tabulation tool.
Published a revised note about the benefit flows tabulation tool, due for release on 17 August 2016. This has been delayed due to technical problems, but will be published via the tabulation tool when the issue is resolved.
Published a note about the benefit flows tabulation tool, due for release on 17 August 2016. This has been delayed, but publication is expected to be completed by the end of August 2016.
Published a notice about planned changes to the Tabulation Tool and a request for users to tell us what data they use on the tool and what they use it for.
Added a note to explain that Work Programme statistics are now available via Stat-Xplore, not the tabulation tool.
Added message about the tabulation tool being unavailable from 8:00am on 5 March to 8:00pm on 6 March.
Announced that updated benefit flow statistics were released in the Flows Tabulation Tool on 26 November 2015.
Added a note about technical problems with an update to the Tabulation Tool, due to be released on 11 November 2015, causing a delay.
Added a note about guidance on using the tabulation tool for flows data.
Removed "National Insurance number allocations to adult overseas nationals entering the UK" from tabulation tool list and added "Universal Credit" to Stat-Xplore list.
Published a progress update on correcting problems in the latest quarterly release - publication of normal geographical breakdowns will be on 26 March 2015.
Added - The 5% sample data tabulation tool (August 2014 data) is now available - and link to it.
Announced that quarterly benefit flows statistics in the tabulation tool and geographical data in the February 2015 Quarterly statistical summary have been delayed until March 2015.
Update on how to access JSA sanctions statistics and the minor issue with the 5% Tabulation Tool Incapacity Benefits/Severe Disablement Allowance
Note added regarding a minor issue with duration and age allocations within Incapacity Benefits/Severe Disablement Allowance data currently present within the 5% Tabulation Tools for February 2013 and May 2013.
Note about May 2013 flows not appearing in Tabtool removed as the issue has now been fully resolved.
Note added that due to technical difficulties, May 2013 flows data was not released via the Tabulation Tool.
First published.