Economic labour market status of individuals aged 50 and over
Statistics on the economic labour market status of individuals aged 50 and over, trends over time.
These publications show the trends over time in the economic labour market status of individuals aged 50 and over.
Email with feedback and queries about these statistics.
Find more about Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) statistics on the Statistics at DWP page.
Latest release
Previous releases
Updates to this page
Added a link to the latest release of statistics 'Economic labour market status of individuals aged 50 and over, trends over time: September 2024'.
Added a link to the latest release of statistics 'Economic labour market status of individuals aged 50 and over, trends over time: September 2023'.
Added a note explaining that the next release of annual statistics will include new information about the labour market for older workers. The next release will be published on 7 September 2023.
Added a link to the latest release of statistics 'Economic labour market status of individuals aged 50 and over, trends over time: September 2022'.
Added a link to the latest release of statistics 'Economic labour market status of individuals aged 50 and over, trends over time: September 2021'.
Added a link to the latest release of statistics 'Economic labour market status of individuals aged 50 and over, trends over time: September 2020'.
Added latest release of the statistics 'Economic labour market status of individuals aged 50 and over, trends over time: September 2019'.
Added latest release of these statistics 'Economic labour market status of individuals aged 50 and over, trends over time: October 2018'.
First published.