Energy Efficiency Strategy
This series brings together all documents relating to Energy Efficiency Strategy.
On the 16 December 2013 the government published the 2013 update to the 2012 Energy Efficiency Strategy. The 2013 Update charts the significant progress made by the government over the last 12 months on energy efficiency.
Alongside the 2013 update, we have also published an updated Statistical Summary. As part of the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Strategy we published an industrial energy efficiency feasibility study in November.
The November 2012 Energy Efficiency Strategy sets out our mission to seize the energy efficiency opportunity in the UK. There are a wide range of benefits that make greater energy efficiency an important goal for the coming decades.
The Energy Efficiency Strategy is designed to maximise the benefits of existing policy and to realise the wider energy efficiency potential across the UK economy. We will do this through connecting knowledge and technologies to finance, support energy efficiency innovation, and harnessing the power of improving energy use information. We will need to push forward on all these fronts if we are to create an energy efficiency market that seeks out and realises the cost effective energy efficiency potential that is available within our economy.
The annexes to the Energy Efficiency Strategy give further detail about the four identified barriers: embryonic markets, information, misaligned financial incentives and undervaluing energy efficiency.