
King Charles III England Coast Path: East Head to Shoreham

Find out about the progress of improving coastal access – including maps, process and timing – in West Sussex.

Stage of progress

Stage 5: Open to the public

The 44.4 mile (71.5km) stretch of the King Charles III England Coast Path (KCIIIECP) from East Head to Shoreham is now open to the public.

Coastal access rights came into force along this stretch of coast on 18 October 2023 by order of the Secretary of State.

The route is available to view on the National Trails website.

Information about the route

If you are planning a walk on the KCIIIECP, check our interactive access maps for details of local access restrictions and coast path diversions which may apply at certain times.

Coastal access rights normally apply to all land that is coastal margin - including any land seaward of the route - unless it falls into a category of excepted land or if an access restriction applies to the land.

The maps in Natural England’s original proposals  to the Secretary of State  show the route of the KCIIIECP along this stretch of coast and the adjoining land that is coastal margin, as approved by the Secretary of State on 18 March 2021.

Use the links that follow to see details of the Secretary of State’s decision to approve Natural England’s proposals, together with any modifications, and for guidance on your rights and responsibilities if the KCIIIECP passes through your land.

Find out more about the King Charles III England Coast Path

See information about all stretches in preparation around England’s coast.

The coastal access scheme gives details of the process being followed to improve access to the coast.

Contact the coastal access team

Contact Natural England with any comments, suggestions or queries you have about improving coastal access.

Coastal access team (South)

Natural England
Mail Hub
County Hall
Spetchley Road


Telephone 0300 060 3900

See the map below for information about progress on improving coastal access in other parts of the south.

Updates to this page

Published 25 September 2015
Last updated 18 October 2023 show all updates
  1. Page updated to show this stretch of the KCIIIECP is now open to the public.

  2. Page updated to show this stretch is now at stage 5.

  3. Removed the sentence giving a date for when access is expected to be ready.

  4. Date amended: access expected to be ready in 2020.

  5. Updated page to show this stretch is now at stage 4.

  6. Updated page to show that work has moved to stage 2 and 3.

  7. First published.