Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein: arrangements from 1 January 2021
This page brings together guidance and information on the UK’s relationship with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein (EEA EFTA States) from 1 January 2021.
UK-EEA EFTA International Agreements
We have worked with these countries’ governments to put in place new arrangements across a range of areas. These seek to maintain continuity in our relations as far as possible.
We have successfully concluded and signed agreements on:
- Agreement on trade in goods between Iceland, Norway and the UK
- EEA EFTA Separation Agreement, including Citizens’ Rights
- Norway Framework Agreement on Fisheries
- Fisheries: Memorandum of understanding between the UK and Iceland
Relevant guidance
This list of guidance aims to help businesses and citizens adapt to changes in the UK’s relationship with the EEA EFTA countries from 1 January 2021. It may not be an exhaustive list of all guidance relevant to you. View further information and guidance for your circumstances about what you may need to do in light of our new relationship with the EU.
Citizens’ rights, migration, social security and education
For exporting animals, animal products, fish and fishery products to the EU: where EEA states have harmonised rules, exporting to Norway and Iceland will be the same as exporting to the EU.
For importing animals, animal products and high-risk food and feed not of animal origin: products of animal origin and live animals from Norway and Iceland which are harmonised with EU standards will be treated as EU products.
Financial services
Regulations and standards
For the guidance on Plant variety rights and marketing plant reproductive material, note that EEA EFTA countries do not have fully harmonised legislation regarding plants. This technical notice applies to EEA as it relates to the marketing requirements of fodder seed, cereal seed, beet seed, vegetable seed, and seed of oil and fibre plants only.
Food and animal feed safety risk analysis from 1 January 2021