FAWC advice to government
Advice given to government by the Farm Animal Welfare Committee (and its predecessor Council).
FAWC renamed to Animal Welfare Committee (1 October 2019)
FAWC has been renamed to Animal Welfare Committee (AWC).
This page will no longer be updated.
You can read more about the work Farm Animal Welfare Committee carried out.
The previous Farm Animal Welfare Committee website is available at The National Archive.
The Farm Animal Welfare Council website is also available at The National Archive.
Advice from the Farm Animal Welfare Committee
Advice prepared by the Welfare at Killing Standing Committee
Advice from the Farm Animal Welfare Council
The Farm Animal Welfare Council was established in 1979 and was closed on 31 March 2011, when its successor the Farm Animal Welfare Committee was created.
Updates to this page
Updated to reflect that FAWC has now been renamed to AWC and this document collection will no longer be updated.
Added FAWC advice on animal sentience.
Added the FAWC opinion on the welfare of cattle kept for beef production
Added the report: Evidence and the welfare of farmed animals - part 2: evidence based decision making
FAWC opinion on the welfare of animals killed on-farm added.
Added 'FAWC advice on sustainable agriculture and farm animal welfare' and 'FAWC opinion on the health and wellbeing of farmers and farm animal welfare'.
New advice added on free farrowing systems and calf nutrition.
First published.