FE Choices
FE Choices provides comparable information to help learners and employers make informed choices about education and training.
All FE Choices data is available on GOV.UK and data.gov. The performance indicators are on the National Careers Service and the apprenticeship service web pages.
FE Choices consists of nationally collected and published performance indicator data that measures learner and employer satisfaction. This information is made available in a clear and consistent format.
Information is provided about:
- further education colleges and other organisations that receive government funding and offer education and training to people over the age of 16
- organisations that offer academic and vocational subjects, apprenticeships, and training on and off the job
Technical information about the surveys
For technical information about the surveys, read the transparency spreadsheet. For more detail about how the learner satisfaction survey is worked out, email SDE.ServiceDesk@education.gov.uk.
Employer satisfaction survey data
Learner satisfaction survey data
The FE Choices learner satisfaction surveys 2019 to 2020 and 2020 to 2021 were cancelled due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
In 2020 to 2021, the Department for Education (DfE) conducted the FE COVID-19 learner and apprentice experience survey to understand the experiences of FE learners during the COVID-19 outbreak.
DfE does not intend to run the FE Choices learner satisfaction survey again in its current form. DfE will instead be considering the most useful information to collect from learners that best supports the proposals laid out in last year’s public consultation Skills for Jobs: a new further education funding and accountability system – taking into account the responses to that consultation.
Guidance and information for training providers (learner satisfaction)
FE Choices archive
Updates to this page
Updated to reflect that the department does not intend to run the FE Choices learner satisfaction survey again in its current form.
Added information about the FE learner and apprentice experience survey on the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Update: The FE Choices learner satisfaction survey will not go ahead for the 2020 to 2021 academic year due to the ongoing impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Added information that the FE Choices learner satisfaction survey 2019 to 2020 publication is cancelled due to coronavirus (COVID-19).
Added 'FE Choices employer satisfaction survey: 2018 to 2019'.
Added 'FE Choices learner satisfaction survey 2018 to 2019'.
Added 'FE Choices employer satisfaction survey: 2017 to 2018'.
Added FE Choices learner satisfaction survey 2017 to 2018.
First published.