
Fertiliser usage

Results from the British Survey of Fertiliser Practice.

The British Survey of Fertiliser Practice is an annual survey based on the selection each year of a representative sample of farms from mainland Britain. The main purpose of the survey is to estimate average application rates of nitrogen, phosphate and potash used for agricultural crops and grassland. Information is also collected on applications of sulphur fertilisers, organic manures and lime.

Latest British survey of fertiliser practice

The latest British survey of fertiliser practice report and dataset.

Previous British survey of fertiliser practice reports

British survey of fertiliser practice reports from 1992 onwards.

Updates to this page

Published 4 September 2013
Last updated 18 July 2024 show all updates
  1. Updated page layout and added 2023 data.

  2. Uploaded latest report for 21/22 and the accompanying dataset.

  3. Added British Survey of Fertiliser Practice 2021.

  4. Added link to British fertiliser use survey 2020.

  5. Added link to 2019 Report page.

  6. Added link to British survey of fertiliser practice 2018.

  7. British survey of fertiliser practice 2017 added.

  8. Updated with link to 2016 statistical notice.

  9. British survey of fertiliser practice 2015 added, dataset updated.

  10. British survey of fertiliser practice 2014 added.

  11. Updated to include 2013 report.

  12. First published.