
Firearm certificates in England and Wales statistics

Statistics on firearm and shotgun certificates issued by police forces in England and Wales under the Firearms Act 1968 (as amended).


Data tables


Updates to this page

Published 29 August 2013
Last updated 27 June 2024 show all updates
  1. Added 'Firearm and shotgun certificates, April 2023 to March 2024', updated 'User guide to statistics on firearm and shotgun certificates'.

  2. Added 'Statistics on firearm and shotgun certificates, England and Wales: April 2022 to March 2023', updated 'User guide to statistics on firearm and shotgun certificates, England and Wales'.

  3. Added 'Statistics on firearm and shotgun certificates, England and Wales: April 2021 to March 2022', updated 'User guide to statistics on firearm and shotgun certificates, England and Wales'.

  4. Added 'Statistics on firearm and shotgun certificates, England and Wales: April 2020 to March 2021', updated 'User guide to statistics on firearm and shotgun certificates, England and Wales'.

  5. Added 'Statistics on firearm and shotgun certificates, England and Wales: April 2019 to March 2020', updated 'User guide to statistics on firearm and shotgun certificates, England and Wales'.

  6. Added 'Statistics on firearm and shotgun certificates, England and Wales: April 2018 to March 2019', updated 'User guide to statistics on firearm and shotgun certificates, England and Wales'.

  7. Added 'Firearm and shotgun certificates in England and Wales, financial year ending 31 March 2018', updated 'User guide to firearm and shotgun certificate statistics'.

  8. Added 'Firearm and shotgun certificates in England and Wales: financial year ending 2017' and 'Firearm and shotgun certificates in England and Wales: financial year ending 2017: data tables', updated 'User guide to firearm and shotgun certificate statistics'.

  9. Updated ‘User guide to firearm and shotgun certificate statistics’.

  10. Added 'Firearm and shotgun certificates in England and Wales financial year ending March 2016’, 'Firearm and shotgun certificates in England and Wales financial year ending March 2016: data tables’.

  11. Added 'Firearm and shotgun certificates in England and Wales financial year ending March 2015', 'Firearm and shotgun certificates in England and Wales financial year ending March 2015: data tables', updated 'User guide to firearm and shotgun certificate statistics'.

  12. Added 'Firearm and shotgun certificates in England and Wales financial year ending March 2014'.

  13. First published.