Flexible working: resources for teachers and leaders
Resources, including guidance and case studies, to help to promote flexible working in schools.
Information on the benefits of flexible working, guidance and case studies on how flexible working can be implemented in schools.
Guidance for flexible working
Non-statutory guidance for employers and staff who want to make arrangements for flexible working, along with promotional materials outlining the benefits of flexible working for teachers and school leaders.
Support with flexible working
Research on flexible working
Research on flexible working in schools.
Flexible working case studies
Case studies and a video showing how different schools and teachers have adopted flexible working.
Other work to support leaders and teachers
Further information and guidance on what the department is doing to support leaders and teachers.
Updates to this page
Added link to 'Get help with flexible working in schools' and 'Support with flexible working' section.
Added link to webinar recordings created for headteachers and multi-academy trust leaders, HR and business leaders, governors and trustees.
Added information about flexible working ambassador schools project and 'Other work to support leaders and teachers'.
Added Whites Meadow Primary School and United Learning case studies.
Updated 'Flexible working in schools' guidance.
Added research 'Exploring flexible working practice in schools'.
First published.