Food buying standards for the public sector: The Plan: toolkit
This toolkit helps both those who buy food and catering services for the public sector and potential suppliers.
A plan for public procurement of food and catering sets out how we aim to improve procurement of sustainable food in the public sector. It also looks at ways to support opportunities for British grown and processed produce.
The Plan: toolkit
This toolkit brings together the relevant documents and information, which include:
- revisions to the mandatory Government Buying Standards for food and catering
- a new “balanced scorecard” tool to help public sector buyers and their suppliers understand and apply the Government Buying Standards
- a new on-line procurement portal to help put public sector buyers and potential food and catering suppliers in touch with each other
- case studies to demonstrate how buyers and food suppliers can work together to procure food efficiently and sustainably (more will be added as the Plan is put into practice)
- access to centralised contracts consistent with the principles of the Plan: the Crown Commercial Service is putting in place framework contracts for facilities management, including catering services, which are consistent with the Government Buying Standards and promote the use of the balanced scorecard, and putting in place a purchasing system for food and catering services which allows smaller suppliers to register for government contracts and provides for the balanced scorecard to be used to select companies