
Food, Farming and Bio-security statistics

Food grown, sold and consumed; farm productivity, management and commodity prices; health and welfare of farm animals; control of animal and plant diseases.

Working alongside our Defra group partner organisations: Animal and Plant Health Agency, Rural Payments Agency and Veterinary Medicines Directorate, we produce a wide range of statistics on the food we grow, sell and consume; farm productivity and management; farm commodity prices; health and welfare of farm animals and the control of animal and plant diseases.

Our products

Our partners within Defra group

Other sources of information

Developing our portfolio

Our Products

Food statistics

Farming compendiums

Structure of the agricultural industry

Farm Business

Farm accounts

Productivity in agriculture

Farming practices and opinions




Farming inputs


Organic farming

Bio-security statistics

Our partners within Defra group

Other sources of information

Developing our portfolio

The food, farming and biosecurity portfolio of official statistics is large (over 50 different products) and well established – with many of our datasets having a long historical archive.

One key driver of the way that the portfolio will evolve will be the new policy context for this topic, for example as a result of the forthcoming Agriculture Act and, more broadly, as a consequence of exiting the EU, increased demand for statistics in areas such as food and food trade.

Updates to this page

Published 1 October 2018
Last updated 25 January 2024 show all updates
  1. Added link to new Farming statistics evidence pack page.

  2. Cereal Stocks on farm link edited to take the user to the Crops Collection page were the statistics now sit.

  3. Removed “agri-environment indicators” from the collection page due to duplication.

  4. Changed link, Land Use link used to go to Structure of Agriculture collection now goes to Crops Collection. This does not affect the statistics published.

  5. Updated links for crop areas, yield and production and livestock population pages.

  6. Edited to include a link for the – Horticulture Business Survey.

  7. Restructure of content on this collection page to make it easier for user to find our statistics. Statistics are now grouped by commodity topics rather than themes.

  8. Add link to United Kingdom food security report

  9. Updated title under Land management and environmental issues from Agricultural statistics and climate change to Agriculture and climate change,folowing review of publications.

  10. Added Farmer Opinion Tracker to Land management and environmental issues list of collections.

  11. Replaced the future farming and evidence compendium link with a link to the farming and environment evidence packs.

  12. Amended "Developing our portfolio" text.

  13. Added link to plant health trade statistics under Bio-security statistics section

  14. Link to Scottish Government website corrected.

  15. Removed signpost to Office for Statistics Regulation User Engagement Survey as survey now closed.

  16. Amendment made to signpost Office for Statistics Regulation User Engagement Survey.

  17. Added a link to the future farming and environment evidence compendium collections page.

  18. First published.