
FCO prompt payment data

This page provides information on Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) prompt payment for its invoices. This includes FCO Services data.

Since 1 April 2015 all central government departments, including their executive agencies and non departmental public bodies, have been required to report on their prompt payment performance. They must publish the percentage of their invoices paid within 5 days and within 30 days, on a quarterly basis.


Updates to this page

Published 11 February 2016
Last updated 2 July 2020 show all updates
  1. FCO prompt payment data 2020 to 2021 added

  2. FCO prompt payment data 2019 to 2020 added

  3. April to June 2018 data available.

  4. Latest data available

  5. Data for Q1, 2016 to 2017 added

  6. FCO prompt payment data for 2015 to 2016 – Q4 added.

  7. First published.