
Fruit and vegetable wholesale prices

Historical monthly fruit and vegetable wholesale price statistics.

This collection was withdrawn on

This page will no longer be updated. For latest fruit and vegetable price updates see the commodity prices collection.

This series of historical statistical notices give the average monthly wholesale prices of selected home-grown horticultural produce. The prices are national averages of the most usual prices charged by wholesalers for selected home-grown fruit, vegetables and cut flowers and flowering pot plants at the wholesale markets in Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool and New Spitalfields.

These statistical notices ceased to be published in September 2016.

For latest weekly prices please see Commodity Price Collection.


Updates to this page

Published 14 October 2013
Last updated 22 July 2019
  1. Page withdrawn and link removed to dataset page, now consolidated in the commodity price collection.

  2. Added a link to the wholesale fruit and vegetable rpice dataset page which replaces the fruit and vegetable price documents page which has been removed.

  3. Updated detail and titles of links.

  4. Amended description of the contents.

  5. Added historic 2016 page link.

  6. Historic statistics notices on wholesale fruit and vegetable prices, 2015 added

  7. First published.