Funding calculations
Guidance and information on how Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) calculates funding for young people and adult skills.
Funding calculations for young people
The purpose of this guidance is to show, at technical implementation level, the specification behind ESFA funding calculations for young people.
The funding calculations from 2017 to 2018 onwards have been created using oracle policy modelling (OPM) technology. OPM builds business rules in the form of a rule base which is then deployed using the oracle policy automation (OPA) engine.
This guidance contains the OPA rule base source documents for the ESFA funding for young people calculation used by the funding information service (FIS)
Mainstream funding calculations for adult skills
This guidance is aimed at software suppliers and people developing internal software.
The adult skills funding calculation included training:
- delivered through the adult education budget
- for apprenticeship frameworks that started before 1 May 2017
- delivered under an advanced learner loan