
Future of mobility

Foresight project exploring the opportunities and implications arising from the future transport system.

Technological developments and disruptive business models will have a significant impact on how people and goods move around the UK over the coming decades. This project investigates the impact and consequences of these issues on how people and goods will be transported.

The project aims to:

  • share the latest scientific evidence with policy makers
  • use futures techniques to inform policy decision making
  • help policy makers deal with uncertainty around the future of transport

Emerging areas of focus have been:

  • the interaction between people, technology and data
  • new transport business models
  • alternate transport futures

From these, the project has taken a systems approach, looking across all modes within the transport system, and has explored:

  • impact of technological developments on transport modes
  • the key trends shaping user travel behaviour
  • how people and goods are moving around the system
  • different future scenarios for 2040

The implications of these areas for different geographies and groups have been examined, and we will be publishing the evidence base that has informed the project.

Project report


The project held a series of roundtable discussions with figures from across the transport industry.


Evidence Reviews

Updates to this page

Published 26 July 2017
Last updated 8 March 2019 show all updates
  1. Publication of the inequalities in mobility and access evidence review

  2. Publication of freight evidence reviews

  3. Publication of final report and governance evidence review

  4. Release of three additional evidence reviews

  5. Second wave of evidence reviews published.

  6. Updated information regarding the aims of the project and the addition of a number of evidence reviews.

  7. Added 6 workshop reports.

  8. First published.