
GDA: EDF and Areva UK EPR new nuclear power station design

Documents about the Generic Design Assessment (GDA) of EDF and Areva's UK EPR new nuclear power station design.

In December 2012 the Environment Agency and Office for Nuclear Regulation completed their GDA of EDF and Areva’s UK EPR new nuclear power station design. They concluded that the design would be acceptable if built in the UK.

This collection brings together the Environment Agency’s documents from the different stages of the assessment.

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Statement of Design Acceptability

Statement of Design Acceptability, Supplement to the Decision Document, Supplement to the Decision Document summary and Welsh language summary.

Decision and Interim Statement of Design Acceptability

Decision Document, Interim Statement of Design Acceptability, Summary of consultation responses and the final assessment reports.


Consultation document, Consultation document summary and the assessment reports.

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Published 1 November 2019
Last updated 23 February 2024 show all updates
  1. Added to introduction 'You can contact us at'.

  2. First published.