Hammersmith Bridge updates
Outlines the latest information about Hammersmith Bridge.
Hammersmith Bridge is a grade II* listed suspension bridge that was opened, in its current incarnation, in 1887. Since its opening, the structure’s use has changed dramatically with the bridge carrying modern motor vehicles until April 2019.
Ownership and responsibility
Ownership of the bridge was transferred to London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham (LBHF) in 1985. LBHF has a legal duty under Section 41(1) of the Highways Act 1980 to maintain the highway.
Therefore, the responsibility for maintaining the bridge and making decisions on its repair lies with the borough.
The bridge is open to pedestrians, cyclists and river traffic.
Hammersmith Bridge is closed to motor traffic. This was decided in April 2019 by LBHF based on its assessment of the safety of the structure.
The bridge was closed to all motor vehicles on 10 April 2019 following a safety assessment of the structure, which revealed micro fractures in some of the critical structural elements of the bridge (the 4 cast iron pedestals at each corner of the bridge). Subsequently, on 13 August 2020, following a heatwave, the bridge was closed to all users and river traffic beneath as one of the fractures on the north-east pedestal was found to have lengthened.
Following a £4 million contribution from DfT, extensive further engineering analysis and installation of further systems to control the temperature of the bridge’s main suspension chains, the bridge was reopened to pedestrians, cyclists and river traffic in July 2021.
The works to repair Hammersmith Bridge are split into 2 phases: stabilisation (which commenced on 22 March 2022 and is currently scheduled to be completed in Spring 2025) and strengthening.
Stabilisation will ensure a reopening to:
- pedestrians
- cyclists and river traffic
- buses
- other motor vehicles
In March 2024, the government granted £2.9 million to LBHF for the temporary resurfacing of the carriageway of Hammersmith Bridge, expected to be completed in Spring 2025.
These works will allow cyclists and other forms of pedalled transport to use the bridge’s central carriageway, as currently, cyclists have to dismount and walk their bike along the pedestrian walkway. This will increase connectivity across the Thames as well as ease crowding on the bridge’s narrow pedestrian walkways.
The Hammersmith Bridge Taskforce
A government-led taskforce was initially set up by DfT in September 2020 to work towards the safe reopening of the bridge. The taskforce brought together key stakeholders: LBHF, London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, TfL, the Greater London Authority and the Port of London Authority.
The taskforce was paused in November 2021, following an agreement to only call further meetings when there were issues that required unblocking between members, or a significant milestone that needed discussion or celebration.
Given the imminent completion of the first, stabilisation, phase of works on the bridge, the government decided to reconvene the taskforce to re-evaluate all viable and cost-effective solutions for the next stage of works on Hammersmith Bridge.
The Taskforce met on 30 January 2025, and was chaired by Minister Simon Lightwood.
DfT has provided LBHF with almost £13 million of funding to-date. This includes:
- £4 million invested in emergency exploratory works following the full closure of the bridge
- £2.93 million of funding for the initial stabilisation works in May 2022
- £2.5 million for geo-technical works in March 2023
- £2.9 million for the temporary resurfacing of the Hammersmith Bridge carriageway in March 2024
River traffic
The river is subject to closure due to alarm activation or engineering works. Contact the Port of London Authority regarding any restrictions on the river at Hammersmith Bridge.
Research and reports
Updates to this page
Published 17 December 2020Last updated 28 February 2025 + show all updates
February 2025 updates added.
Updated business case and funding sections.
The decision to cease plans for a temporary ferry service at Hammersmith was ratified by taskforce consensus as it is not anticipated the bridge will need to close for any significant period of time during repairs. Added Taskforce statement from 25 November 2021 meeting.
Added letter from Baroness Vere regarding Hammersmith Bridge.
Hammersmith Bridge reopened to pedestrians, cyclist and river traffic on 17 July 2021.
Taskforce statement from 3 June 2021 meeting added.
Added information on funding and updated the business case.
Taskforce statement from 29 April 2021 meeting added.
Uber Boat announced to run Hammersmith ferry plus alterations to controlled and limited river vessel crossing timings
Published Hammersmith Bridge Taskforce meeting, 25 March 2021.
Updated information on temporary measures and river traffic.
Added Hammersmith Bridge Taskforce meeting statement, 25 February 2021.
Added Communicating to residents and updated the following sections: Engineering assessment, Hammersmith Bridge Taskforce, Temporary measures and River traffic.
Added statement from 17 December meeting.
First published.