
Higher education student loans

This series brings together all documents relating to Higher education student loans

Statistical First Release: Student Loans for Higher Education

The Student Loans release originally announced for publication on 14 June 2012 will now be published on 19 June 2012. The date has been changed so that the release will be published on the same day as similar releases for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

This SFR is published by the Student Loans Company in collaboration with BIS statisticians.

This is an annual publication which provides statistics on student loan outlays, repayments of student loans, borrower activity and the balance outstanding at the end of the year. It covers English domiciled students studying in the UK and EU students studying in England, and figures are on a financial year basis.

The latest release relates to financial year 2011-12 and was published on 19 June 2012

Access the latest release in full

Additional information

Similar releases are also published by the Student Loans Company, covering Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. These, together with earlier Statistical First Releases and other statistical publications, are available from the Statistics section of the Student Loans Company website.

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Published 6 December 2012