
Higher education student support

This series brings together all documents relating to Higher education student support

Statistical First Release: Student Support for Higher Education

This SFR is published by the Student Loans Company in collaboration with BIS statisticians.

This is an annual publication which provides statistics on loans, grants and allowances awarded or paid to Higher Education students. It shows final figures for the previous two academic years and provisional figures showing the position two months into the current academic year. Figures include the distribution of full, partial and nil maintenance grants, and statistics on targeted grants and allowances. It covers English domiciled students studying in the UK and EU students studying in England, and figures are on an academic year basis.

The publication shows a breakdown of loan statistics into provisional awards and final payments.

For the first time, the statistical release will demonstrate the difference in student support awarded under the new student finance arrangements introduced from 2012/13.

The latest release relates to academic year 2012/13 and was published on 29 November 2012.

Additional Information

Similar releases are also published by the Student Loans Company, covering Wales and Northern Ireland. These, together with earlier Statistical First Releases and other statistical publications, are available from the Statistics section of the Student Loans Company website

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Published 6 December 2012