
Heat network zoning

Identifying and designating zones where heat networks provide the lowest-cost, low carbon heating option.

Map of heat network zone

(Image is for illustrative purposes only, and does not represent actual heat network zoning outputs)

Heat network zoning will fundamentally transform the development of heat networks in towns and cities across England.

By designating zones where heat networks are expected to offer the lowest-cost solution for decarbonising heat, local communities will have the tools to accelerate the development of heat networks, ensuring that more homes and businesses can access greener, cheaper heat.

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We will use this page to pull together links to the key information on zoning.

Heat network zoning overview

How zoning will be delivered

The Energy Act 2023 provides the powers for government to implement heat network zoning in England through regulations.

We are now consulting on the further detail of heat network zoning.

Where zones will be located

We are developing a methodology that will identify potential heat network zones. This involves using different data such as building type, size, and existing energy use to help identify where zones should be.

To develop this methodology, we are working with 28 English cities and towns to test and refine how it works.

Further information and resources about heat networks

Updates to this page

Published 6 September 2023
Last updated 11 April 2024 show all updates
  1. Added link to Heat network zoning: promotional resources.

  2. Added link to Heat network zoning: overview.

  3. Added link to new 2023 Heat network zoning proposals consultation.

  4. Added details of an online Heat Network Policy Forum we're hosting on Tuesday 31 October (3pm – 5pm), along with registration link.

  5. First published.