HMPPS annual staff equalities report
Annual publication relating to information on HMPPS staffing numbers and processes, split by protected characteristics.
On 1 April 2017, Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) replaced the National Offender Management Service (NOMS). The HMPPS (and previously NOMS) annual Staff Equalities Report considers changing demographics and dynamics, as well as profiles and processes of HMPPS workforce from an equalities perspective. Each publication updates statistics on HMPPS staffing issues up to the end of March of the current year.
Annual staff equalities reports
Updates to this page
Added HMPPS annual staff equalities report 2022/23 publication
Added HMPPS annual staff equalities report 2021/22 publication
Added HMPPS annual staff equalities report 2020/2021 publication
First published.