
HMRC manuals

Find HMRC technical guidance.

These manuals contain technical guidance for HMRC staff and tax professionals and are also published in accordance with the HMRC Publication scheme.

The guidance is not comprehensive and does not provide a definitive answer in every case. It is based on the law as it stood when they were published. HMRC publishes amended or supplementary guidance if there’s a change in the law or in the department’s interpretation of it.

Find out how HMRC advice and information can help you.

A to Z of manuals

M N O P Q R S T U V W X to Z


Admin Law Manual
Guidance on admin law covering incorrect advice to customers, collection and management, extra statutory concessions and statements of practice.

Aggregates Levy Guidance Manual
Guidance relating to application of the levy for the commercial exploitation of sand, gravel and rock in the UK.

Air Passenger Duty Manual
Covers all aspects of Air Passenger Duty (APD). It’s designed for use as a reference point on matters specific to APD.

Air Passenger Duty Risk Based Control Manual
Provides guidance on the risk-based control of APD.

Alcoholic Ingredients Relief Manual
Guidance on the control, policy and legal aspects of the Alcoholic Ingredients Relief (AIR) scheme.

Alcohol Wholesaler Registration Scheme Manual
Guidance on the Alcohol Wholesaler Registration Scheme (AWRS) covering the scope of the scheme, exclusions, group registration, the fit and proper test and penalties.

Alternative Dispute Resolution Guidance Manual
Guidance on the process of Alternative Dispute Resolution, which is when an impartial HMRC mediator assists in resolving a tax dispute outside of the Tribunal or Court.

Animation Production Company Manual
Guidance on legislation on television production providing specific rules for relief on animations in addition to high-end television productions.

Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties Manual
Outlines the relevant legislation, deals with the assurance or control of anti-dumping duty and countervailing duty.

Appeals, reviews and tribunals Manual
A new tribunal system to replace some 70 tribunals, dealing with a wide range of matters.

Apprenticeship Levy Manual
Guidance on the Apprenticeship Levy (part 6, Finance Act 2016) which came into force on 6 April 2017.

ATA and CPD Carnets Manual
Sets out the department’s objectives on ATA and CPD, including EC, CPD and China-Taiwan carnets.

Avoidance Handling Process
This guidance sets out HMRC’s process for handling the risks posed by tax avoidance arrangements. It applies to all taxes and directorates in HMRC. The process ensures that avoidance risks are dealt with effectively and consistently.


Banking Manual
Guidance on bank specific taxes and issues.

Bank Levy Manual
This manual is a guide to the bank levy (schedule 19 Finance Act 2011 and SI2011/1785).

Beer Guidance Manual
This guidance helps staff to understand beer, to be able to deal with enquiries and carry out effective assurance visits.

Biofuels Assurance Manual
Biofuels — what they are, how they are produced, distributed and used and the assurance role of HMRC.

Bona Vacantia Guidance
An explanation about what bona vacantia is and how unallocated payments identified as bona vacantia should be dealt with.

Business Income Manual
Supplementary guidance on how to check tax calculations or work out the trading profits of a business for Self Assessment tax return.

Business Leasing Manual
An introduction to lease accounting and lease accounting taxation, with special emphasis on the leasing of plant or machinery.


Capital Allowances
Definition of capital allowances, how allowances are made and how to claim.

Capital Gains Manual
What is a capital gain or a capital loss and how to work out the tax due after the sale of an asset.

CAP Imports Manual
This publication provides guidance for UK Customs control of goods imported under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU.

CEP — Civil evasion penalties for Customs, Excise and VAT
Guidance for HMRC officers who investigate and charge penalties for conduct that involves dishonesty for the purpose of evading Customs Duty, excise duty or VAT.

Child Benefit Technical Manual
The law relating to claims and processing of Child Benefit and Guardians Allowance.

Cider Manual
This guidance helps staff to understand cider, to be able to deal with enquiries and carry out effective assurance visits.

Claimant Compliance Manual
Procedural and technical guidance relating to tax credits non-compliance, penalties and settlements.

Collection of Student Loans Manual
The role of HMRC in the collection of student loan repayments.

Community Investment Tax Relief Manual
How the scheme works, the accreditation of Community Development Finance Institutions and conditions applying to investors and investments.

Company Taxation
All aspects of company taxation.

Complaint Handling Guidance Manual
This guidance is intended to set out the basic department wide standards for complaints handling.

Complaints and Remedy Guidance Manual
This guidance is for all HMRC staff involved in considering complaints under our departmental complaints procedures.

Complaints from External Customers about the Conduct of HMRC Staff Guidance
This guidance is for all HMRC staff involved in dealing with complaints from external customers about the conduct of our staff under our departmental complaints procedures.

Compliance Handbook Manual
Guidance to help you and external customers understand and apply the penalties and compliance powers introduced by the Finance Act 2007 to Finance Act 2013.

Compliance Operational Guidance Manual
A project to modernise HMRC compliance operational guidance has produced updated material to replace the Employer Compliance Handbook, the project will also modernise guidance in other areas.

Construction Industry Scheme Reform Manual
The new Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) after April 2007, showing how payments are taxed from 6 April 2007.

Corporate Finance Manual
An introduction to corporate finance legislation covering loan relationships, foreign exchange (FOREX) and derivative contracts.

Corporate Intangibles Research and Development Manual
Corporation Tax and the taxation of intangible assets, remediation of contaminated land, vaccines research relief and tax credits for research and development.

COTAX Manual
All aspects of company taxation including appeals, enquiries, payments and penalties.

Creative Industries Expenditure Credit Manual
Guidance on Creative Industries Expenditure Credits, which are available to film, television and video game production companies.

Cryptoassets Manual
This manual concerns the tax treatment of cryptoassets.

Customs CDS Volume 3 Tariff, Step-By-Step Guide
This manual provides a Step-By-Step Guide to navigating the UK Trade Tariff, Volume 3 for CDS.

Customs Civil Penalties Guidance Manual
This guidance is about civil penalties for contravening customs provisions.

Customs Special Procedures Manual
Special procedures guidance on customs matters. Replaces guidance previously on Customs Warehousing, Imported goods end-use relief, Inward Processing Relief, Outward Processing Relief and Processing under Customs Control.


Debt Management and Banking Manual
Our debt management and banking processes incorporates material covered in the Recovery Manual and the Banking and Accounting Guide (BAAG).

Decisions and Appeals for National Insurance and Statutory Payments
Technical guidance for National Insurance, employment status and statutory payments decisions and appeals.

Denatured Alcohol Manual
HMRC strategy for the administration of denatured alcohol production and the use of denatured alcohol in the UK.

Digital Services Tax Manual
Guidance manual explaining the structure and details of Digital Services Tax.

Diplomatic Privileges Manual
Guidance to staff involved in the application of privileges, immunities and reliefs from duty and VAT on the importation, acquisition and withdrawal from warehouse of goods under diplomatic privilege.

Double Taxation Relief Manual
The principles of double taxation relief and lists of all countries that the UK has a double taxation agreement with when income is earned in the UK by a non-resident.

Duty Free Spirits Manual
This manual gives information and guidance on the use of duty free spirits — when they may be used, for what purpose and the approval and control procedures involved.


EC Export Preference Manual
A guide to EC export preference.

Economic Crime Levy Manual
Guidance on the economic crime levy, which applies to entities supervised under the Money Laundering Regulations, with UK Revenue above £10.2 million.

Economic Crime Supervision Handbook Manual
Guidance relating to economic crime supervision.

Electricity Generator Levy Manual

Employee Tax Advantaged Share Scheme User Manual
Guidance relating to tax advantaged share schemes.

Employment Income Manual
A guide to the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003.

Employment Related Securities Manual
How securities (including shares and options over securities) are taxed and treated for National Insurance.

Employment Status Manual
Guidance on issues relating to the employment status of individuals.

Enquiry Manual
How HMRC carries out tax enquiry work.

Excise Assessments Interim Guidance
Interim guidance regarding excise assessments.

Excise Civil Penalties Manual
This guidance covers the principles of the civil penalty regime provided for by section 9 and 11 of the Finance Act 1994.

Excise Due Diligence Condition Guidance

Excise Repayment of Overpaid Duty Guidance
This guidance deals with the handling of claims made by a revenue trader where they have overpaid excise duty.

Excise Statutory Interest Manual
This guidance provides technical and procedural advice for staff in HMRC who administer Excise Statutory Interest.

Export Procedures
A general guide to UK export procedures using the National Export System.


Film Production Company Manual
Guidance relating to the taxation of activities by a film production company.

Fraud Civil Investigation Manual
Code of Practice 9 and the Contractual Disclosure Facility (CDF).


Gas for road fuel use manual

General Insurance Manual
About the general insurance industry, its taxation, how it’s regulated and the rules it has to follow.


Help to Save Technical Manual
Guidance for HMRC staff and customers on the Help-to-Save Scheme.

Holding and Movement Alcohol Strategy — Abandonment of Goods Manual

Holding and Movement Assurance Guidance
All existing Holding and Movement Manuals will soon be merged into this new publication.

Holding and Movement Duty Stamps Manual

Holding and Movement Export Shops Guidance Manual

Holding and Movement Owners and Transporters Manual

Hydrocarbon Oils Strategy Manual
Guidance on the law, policy and assurance techniques concerning the UK Oils Strategy.


Imports Manual
Guidance on the VAT on imported goods and import VAT reliefs.

Import and export pipe-line Manual
This guidance sets out the legal provisions and principles relating to the revenue control of off-shore import pipe-lines and on-shore export pipe-lines.

Import and National Clearance Hub Procedures Manual

Import preference guidance notes

Information Disclosure Guidance Manual
Guidance on the confidentiality rules that apply to HMRC information and guidance on the circumstances in which information may be disclosed.

Inheritance Tax Manual
Guidance on the assessment, collection and accounting of Inheritance Tax.

Insurance Premium Tax Manual
This guidance is aimed at HMRC staff who deal with Insurance Premium Tax issues.

Insurance Policyholder Taxation Manual
Taxation charges and reliefs relating to individuals, companies and trustees who have entered into contracts with insurance companies.

International Exchange of Information Manual
Guidance for staff involved with international exchange of information under the UK’s international exchange agreements.

International Manual
International tax issues including the principles of double taxation relief and an introduction to double taxation agreements.

Investment Funds Manual
Guidance on the tax rules affecting investment funds and fund managers.


No manuals.


No manuals.


Labour Provider Manual
Guidance and information on labour provider.

Landfill Tax Manual
Guidance and information on Landfill Tax.

Life Assurance Manual
Guidance on the corporation tax treatment of insurance companies writing life assurance and other long-term insurance business.

Litigation and Settlement Strategy Manual
Guidance explaining HMRC’s Litigation and Settlement Strategy.

Lloyds Manual
An overview of the Lloyds market, how it is regulated and the accounting rules it follows, and guidance on the taxation of Lloyds underwriting members.


Museums and Galleries Exhibition Tax Relief
This guidance gives information about how to apply the new relief introduced by the Finance Act (no 2) 2017.


National Insurance Manual
Guidance on the law relating to National Insurance contributions including classification, refund and confirming National Insurance Numbers.

National Minimum Wage Manual
Technical guidance regarding the entitlement and enforcement of the National Minimum Wage.


Oil Taxation Manual
An overview of the law and practice for the oil fiscal regime, in particular Petroleum Revenue Tax, ring fence Corporation Tax and the supplementary charge.

Oil Technical Manual
A general introduction into oils activity and the assurance role of HMRC.

Orchestra Tax Relief
This guidance applies to incorporated companies within the charge to Corporation Tax that are directly involved in the production of orchestral concerts.

Other Non-Statutory Clearance Guidance
This guidance is for all HMRC staff who deal with other non-statutory clearances.


Partnership Manual
Guidance on partnerships and how they are taxed in the UK.

PAYE Manual
Guidance for staff working through PAYE processes for individuals and employers.

PAYE Settlements Agreements Manual
What a PAYE Settlement Agreement (PSA) is and how to deal with it.

Pensions Tax Manual
The legislation and regulations behind the pension schemes tax regime. This manual replaced Registered Pension Schemes Manual from 2015.

Property Income Manual
How rents from UK properties are taxed.


No manuals.


Repayment Claims Manual
How HMRC deals with annual repayment claims, and how the work is organised and checked.

Residence, Domicile and Remittance Basis Manual
This guidance is written for HMRC officers who have to consider the residence, domicile and remittance basis of individuals.

Residential Property Developer Tax Manual
Guidance on Residential Property Developer Tax.


Savings and Investment Manual
An explanation of how certain types of income from savings and investments are taxed.

Scottish Taxpayer Technical Guidance
Technical guidance on who is a Scottish taxpayer from 6 April 2016.

Securities Guidance Manual
This guidance is for caseworkers and their managers within Specialist Investigations Securities Teams.

Self Assessment Claims Manual
Guidance on the general legislative framework that applies to self assessment claims.

Self Assessment: the legal framework
The legal framework for Income Tax Self Assessment, how to pay or claim tax, how HMRC checks the returns and about tax returns for partnerships.

Self Assessment Manual
Guidance for staff working through Self Assessment processes including returns, payments, records and the transfer of liability.

Senior Accounting Officer Guidance Manual
Guidance on how a Senior Accounting Officer for all companies must deliver correct and complete tax returns.

Shared Workspace Business Manual
Shared workspace is an online service used by HMRC to collaborate with businesses and agents.

Shares and Assets Valuation Manual
How HMRC works out the value of shares and assets in unquoted companies for Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax purposes.

Specialist Investigations Operational Guidance
This manual contains the operational guidance relevant to all teams across Specialist Investigations.

Spirits Production Manual
This guidance deals with the approval and control of distilleries producing spirits.

Stamp Duty Land Tax Manual
Stamp Duty Land Tax, when it is chargeable and which forms to use to tell HMRC of a land transaction that has applied from 1 December 2003.

Stamp Taxes on Shares Manual
Introduction to Stamp Duty on shares and the Stamp Duty Reserve Tax.

Statutory Payments Manual
How HMRC administers statutory payments, including Statutory Sick Pay, Statutory Maternity Pay, Statutory Paternity Pay and Statutory Adoption Pay.

Strategic Goods and Services: assessment of risk and offence action Manual
Risk assessment and offence action about the control of export and transhipment of goods that require licences issued by the Department for International Trade.

Strategic Goods and Services: DBT Export Licensing and Sanctions Manual
Risk assessment and offence action about the control of export and transhipment of goods and services that require export or transhipment licences issued by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.


Tax Compliance Risk Management
This guidance is for Large Business customer relationship managers and their customers and explains HMRC’s approach to working with large business customers to manage their tax compliance risk.

Tax Credit Technical Manual
A guide to the law relating to Child Tax Credits and Working Tax Credits including entitlement, changes in circumstances and how payments are made.

Tax Credits Manual
How HMRC handles Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit cases.

Tax-Free Childcare Technical Manual
A guide to the law relating to Tax-Free Childcare including eligibility, entitlement and childcare accounts.

Technical Teams Operational Guidance Manual
Guidance on the Technical Teams Operational Guidance Manual.

Television Production Company Manual
Guidance on the regime for the taxation of Television Production Companies and a new relief for the television industry, Television Tax Relief.

Temporary Storage of Imports Manual
Guidance on the approval and control of temporary storage premises situated within and outside the approved area of a sea or airport.

Theatre Tax Relief Manual
Guidance on specific rules for relief for theatrical production companies.

Tobacco: Anti-smuggling or the duty to avoid facilitating smuggling
The role of HMRC is to ensure that tobacco manufacturers comply with their legal duty not to facilitate smuggling.

Tobacco Products Duty Manual

Tobacco Products Manufacturing Machinery Licensing Scheme

Tobacco Track and Trace Compliance
This guidance sets out the background, legislation, compliance rules, penalties and other sanctions that apply to the Tobacco Track and Trace system.

Tonnage Tax Manual
A definition of tonnage tax, which types of ship qualify, how the tax is worked out and the rules it follows.

Trust Registration Service Manual

Trusts, Settlements and Estates
An introduction to trusts and how HMRC treats them for tax purposes, and guidance about application of settlements legislation, the tax liabilities of personal representatives for a deceased person, beneficial ownership and Income Tax.


Uncertain Tax Treatments by Large Businesses Manual
This manual concerns the notification of uncertain tax treatments by large businesses.


A to Z listing of all manuals about VAT

VAT Official gifts received in the context of international relations
A description of the official gifts received in the context of international relations.

VAT Visiting Force Relief Manual
Guidance on the application of the visiting force relief for NATO forces and International NATO Military Headquarters hosted by the UK.

Venture Capital Schemes Manual
A definition of the different types of venture capital schemes and how they work.

Video Games Development Company Manual
The legislation on video game development provides specific rules for relief on video games in addition to rules for calculation of profits and losses of video game developments.


Welsh taxpayer technical guidance
Technical guidance on who will be a Welsh taxpayer, from 6 April 2019. This includes information on an individual’s place of residence, main place of residence, tests for Welsh taxpayer status and evidence used to establish someone’s status.

Wine Manual
Guidance to help staff to understand wine and made-wine and to be able to deal with enquiries and carry out effective assurance visits.


No manuals.


No manuals.


No manuals.

Updates to this page

Published 1 January 2014
Last updated 15 January 2025 + show all updates
  1. Links to 10 archived manuals have been removed.

  2. The Creative Industries Expenditure Credit manual has been added.

  3. The link to the EC preferences imports from Turkey Manual has been removed, as it is no longer in use.

  4. The 'Complaints from External Customers about the Conduct of HMRC staff Guidance' and 'Tobacco Track and Trace Compliance' manuals have been added.

  5. The Avoidance Handling Process manual has been added.

  6. The Registered Pensions Scheme Manual has been removed as has not been in use since 2015. The Pension Tax Manual should be used.

  7. The Economic Crime Levy technical manual has been added.

  8. The Tax-Free Childcare Technical Manual has been added.

  9. The Electricity Generator Levy Manual has been added.

  10. The Economic Crime Supervision Manual has been added.

  11. A link to the Litigation and Settlement Strategy Manual has been added.

  12. A link to an out of date manual has been removed.

  13. The Alcoholic Ingredients Relief Manual has been added.

  14. Links to 6 withdrawn manuals have been removed.

  15. The Alternative Dispute Resolution Guidance Manual has been added.

  16. The Customs CDS Volume 3 Tariff, Step-By-Step Guide manual has been added.

  17. The Residential Property Developer Tax Manual has been added.

  18. Help to Save Technical Manual has been added to the collection.

  19. Welsh taxpayer technical guidance has been added to the collection.

  20. Tobacco Products Manufacturing Machinery Licensing Scheme has been added to the collection.

  21. Museums and Galleries Exhibition Tax Relief have been added to the collection.

  22. Banking manual has been added.

  23. Apprenticeship Levy guidance has been added to this collection.

  24. Employee Tax Advantaged Share Scheme Manual and Scottish Taxpayer Technical Guidance have been added to the collection

  25. Theatre Tax Relief manual has been added.

  26. Registered Pension Schemes Manual is no longer being updated, please refer to the Pensions Tax Manual for current guidance.

  27. First published.