
Home Office: ad-hoc fire and rescue statistics

Additional statistical analyses that have not previously been included in any of our statistical releases.

The publications listed here are ad hoc Home Office fire and rescue statistical analyses that have not been included in our standard publications.


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Published 11 February 2021
Last updated 23 January 2025 show all updates
  1. Added 'Cannabis farm fires', 'Detailed ethnicity (using the ONS 19+1 classification) of FRS staff', 'Fire incidents in education premises' and 'Non-fatal casualties in education premises' and updated 'Fires in car parks attended by fire and rescue services and non-fatal casualties and fire-related fatalities in those fires, England'.

  2. Updated 'Fires in Crown Premises attended by fire and rescue services and non-fatal casualties and fire-related fatalities in those fires, England', 'Number of dwelling fires in England with “air fryer” mentioned in the additional information free text', 'Primary Fires on Construction sites, England' and added 'Fires in train stations'.

  3. Added 'Incidents in non-dwelling properties'. Updated 'Primary fires, fatalities and casualties in care homes in England by source of ignition and victim age and gender'.

  4. Added 'Fires, fatalities and casualties with e-scooters and e-bikes mentioned in the additional information free text', 'Dwelling fires by compartmentation' and 'Accidental vehicle fires'.

  5. Removed ‘Fires, fatalities, casualties, rescues and evacuations in medium and high-rise flats (over 7 storeys)’ as a review of the table identified significant discrepancies within the reported data.

  6. Added 'Primary fires and upholstered furniture, 2021 to 2022', 'Primary fires sprinklers and water mist, 2022 to 2023', 'Primary fires in small paying guest houses, 2018 to 2023', 'Victims from fires with fireworks, by injury severity and type, 2010 to 2023', 'Dwellings and houseboat by presence and operation of alarm, 2010 to 2023' and 'Carbon monoxide incidents, 2012 to 2023'.

  7. Added 'Fires, fatalities, casualties, rescues and evacuations in medium and high-rise flats (over 7 storeys)', 'Outdoor fires in England incident level dataset (expanded)', 'Primary fires, fatalities and casualties in care homes in England by source of ignition and victim age and gender', 'Number of dwelling fires in England with “air fryer” mentioned in the additional information free text', 'Number of fires in England with “solar panel” or “photovoltaic panel” mentioned in the additional information free text' and updated 'Fires in Crown Premises attended by fire and rescue services and non-fatal casualties and fire-related fatalities in those fires, England'.

  8. Added 'Fires in lifts, England, year ending December 2022'.

  9. Added 'Outdoor Fires by cause of fire, England, year ending September 2010 to year ending September 2022', 'Fires involving sprinklers and water mist, year ending March 2011 to year ending March 2022' and 'Primary Fires on Construction sites, England, year ending March 2015 to year ending March 2022'.

  10. Updated 'Fires involving gas and an explosion, England, 2016 to 2020'. Added 'Age and gender of victims, England, 2017 to 2022', 'Fires with a fatality, England, July 2019 to June 2022', 'Primary fires with a sprinkler system, England, 2021 to 2022', 'Resourcing by incident type, England, 2021 to 2023' and 'Primary fires with a sprinkler system, England, 2021 to 2022'.

  11. Updated 'Fires in Crown Premises attended by fire and rescue services and non-fatal casualties and fire-related fatalities in those fires, England'.

  12. Added 'Fire incidents involving gas explosions, 2015-16 to 2021-22', 'Other building fires in warehouses, 2020-21 to 2021-22', 'Primary fires in industrial premises, 2017-18 to 2021-22', 'Fires classed as hot works, 2017-18 to 2021-22', 'Primary fires caused by fireworks, 2010-11 to 2021-22' and 'Average appliances per incident, 2010-11 to 2021-22'.

  13. Added 'Other Building Fires Property Type, 2010-11 to 2020-21, England', 'Road Traffic Collisions Extrications, 2010-11 to 2020-21, England', 'Primary Fires in Care Homes, 2010-11 to 2020-21, England', 'Automatic Fire Alarms by confirmed Type, 2016-17 to 2020-21, England' and 'Other Dwelling Fire Property Type, 2010-11 to 2020-21'.

  14. Updated 'Fires in Crown Premises attended by fire and rescue services and non-fatal casualties and fire-related fatalities in those fires, England'.

  15. Added 'Fires in hotels attended by FRSs and those where heat and smoke damage affected the “whole building”, 2015-16 to 2020-21', 'Fires in multiple occupancy dwellings by extent of damage, 2010-11 to 2020-21' and 'Fire-related fatalities and non-fatal casualties in dwelling fires caused by electricity, 2010-11 to 2020-21'.

  16. Added 'Number of cooking appliance fires caused by animals, 2016 to 2021'.

  17. Added 'Fires involving gas and an explosion, England, 2016 to 2020'.

  18. Added 'Average area of fire damage in fires in car parks attended by fire and rescue services, England', 'Accidental dwelling fires in which an alarm was present and the alarm was raised by fatality occurrence, England', 'Extrication from vehicles in road traffic collisions by method of extrication and age, gender bands, England', 'Fire incidents with fireworks as source of ignition, England' and 'Control staff numbers by rank and fire and rescue authority, England'.

  19. First published.