Homes England: Measuring Social Value
Research reports and guidance to inform the measurement of social value
Homes England’s Strategic Plan sets out the Agency’s mission to drive regeneration and housing delivery to create high-quality homes and thriving places. This will support greater social justice and the creation of places people are proud to call home. An integral part of achieving this mission will be understanding the impact the Agency’s activities are having, not just in terms of the outputs realised but the wider social value created.
The Agency is pursuing an extensive programme of research, aimed at enabling the full social value delivered through housing and regeneration activities to be measured and assessed. A collection of research papers is being produced, providing guidance on how to measure specific impacts as part of economic appraisal and the development of project and programme business cases. The outputs of the research are to be read in conjunction with the HM Treasury Green Book and DLUHC appraisal guide.
As part of this ongoing research programme, Homes England is continuing to seek to expand and improve on the evidence available and would welcome receiving any feedback. Please contact us at
Updates to this page
Added Environmental Impact of New Housing Development report
Added Measuring the Wellbeing and Fiscal Impacts of Housing for Older People
Added new Optimism Bias and Contingency at Homes England report
Added a link to the Brownfield Development Values page.
First published.