Homes for Ukraine: sponsor guides
Guides for sponsors on the Homes for Ukraine scheme, including eligibility criteria, how to apply as a sponsor and advice about how to make your guests welcome in the UK.
Ukraine Permission Extension (UPE) scheme
In February 2024, the Home Office announced that Ukrainians and their eligible family members in the UK who have already been granted permission under one of the other Ukraine Schemes would be able to apply for the UPE scheme before their existing permission expires. For more information see Ukraine Permission Extension scheme - guidance for sponsors.
Definitions of important terms
Close family relationship or close family members refers to any of the following: spouse, civil or unmarried partners, parents, parents-in-law, sons or daughters, sons or daughters-in-law, step-sons or step-daughters, siblings, grandparents, or the spouses, civil or unmarried partners of any of these people.
Guest or guests refers to an individual or household previously resident in Ukraine, prior to 1 January 2022, who has secured a visa under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, which enables them to be housed by a sponsor.
Host or hosts refers to an individual, group, or organisation who provides accommodation to people from Ukraine. A host does not need to be a sponsor.
MHCLG is the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
Sponsor or sponsors refers to an individual, group, or organisation that has successfully completed a visa application with a person from Ukraine under the Homes for Ukraine scheme and has been approved to accommodate them. A sponsor may not always be a host.
Become a sponsor
When your guest arrives
Ending sponsorship or rematching
Updates to this page
Added information on the Ukraine Permission Extension scheme.
Update to reflect Homes for Ukraine policy changes in effect from 1 October 2024.
Added link to: Reporting fraud - guidance for sponsors.
First published.