Housing Information Hub
Guidance, information and tools to support homebuilding, placemaking and regeneration
The Housing Information Hub, developed by Homes England, signposts local authorities and other housing providers to guidance and tools relating to homebuilding, placemaking and regeneration.
Find guidance on the relevant topics below:
Financing homebuilding and regeneration – information on economic appraisals, financial viability, cost estimation, funding, delivery mechanisms, the Delivery Partner Dynamic Purchasing System and procurement
Leading homebuilding and regeneration – information on community engagement, governance, programme and project management, and resources and risk management
Building healthy places – information on design, infrastructure, construction management, Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and self and custom-build
Using land for homebuilding and regeneration – information on identifying land, land acquisition, brownfield land, land disposal, due diligence, feasibility and partnership working
Planning for homebuilding and regeneration – information on master planning, local planning, planning conditions, environment and sustainability, garden towns and villages, estate regeneration and housing tenures
Homes England have also developed the following products to further support with homebuilding, placemaking and regeneration:
- Capacity Analysis Tool - A tool designed for local authorities and other organisations to help identify skills and capacity in relation to housing delivery and regeneration, and to identify steps to help improve this capacity.
- The New Homes Fact Sheets – A series of key facts and figures on new homes and regeneration, created to support conversations with local communities.
- Local Government Resources - A video playlist of over 65 learning programme sessions for local government and housing professionals.