How trees can capture and offset carbon emissions
Creating new woodland is a proven way to help tackle the effects of climate change. Find out more in this collection of resources.
Woods and Carbon overview
Learn how trees and woodland are good for the planet, and your bottom line.
Watch the video on how trees capture carbon.
Carbon for income generation
Projects registered and validated by the Woodland Carbon Code (WCC) can apply for the Woodland Carbon Guarantee (WCaG). If successful, you can sell verified Woodland Carbon Units (WCUs) to the government for a guaranteed price that is index-linked for the life of the project contract, every 5 or 10 years up to 2055/56.
Find out which carbon route is right for you by using the WCC Carbon Decision Tree.
Watch the video on how to generate carbon units through the Woodland Carbon Code.
Watch the video on the WCaG 5 stage process to learn what’s involved in selling carbon units to the government through the Woodland Carbon Guarantee.
Available financial support
Financial support is available through our grants and delivery partners for a variety of woodland creation projects.
The Woodland Creation Planning Grant (WCPG) contributes towards the costs of designing your new woodland in line with the UK Forestry Standard, and offers you access to expert advice.
The England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) covers standard capital costs and annual maintenance payments as your woodland establishes, with additional stackable payments when delivering wider benefits to society, nature recovery and the environment.
Other reading and resources
Discover how a family farm generates income through carbon units. Watch the video: A family farm’s carbon journey.
Read more case studies to see tree planting in action.
Updates to this page
Added video 'A family farm's carbon journey' to the resources section.
Added 3 video links: 'How trees capture carbon', 'How to generate carbon units through the Woodland Carbon Code' and 'The Woodland Carbon Guarantee five-stage process'. Also added the document: How to generate carbon units in England.
Added a new collection: 'Available financial support'.
Added a link to the Carbon Decision Tree on the Woodland Carbon Code website.
First published.