
HS2 Phase 2a Supplementary Environmental Statement and Additional Provision Environmental Statement (March 2018)

Includes the Supplementary Environmental Statement and Additional Provision Environmental Statement and associated information for HS2 Phase 2a.

The Supplementary Environmental Statement (SES) and the Additional Provision Environmental Statement (AP ES) are separate environmental statements, however they are presented together in combined reports, in a number of volumes.

The SES (Part 1) reports on the likely significant environmental effects of updated environmental information, changes to the design and construction assumptions within the existing powers and limits of the High Speed Rail (West Midlands to Crewe) Bill.

The AP ES (Part 2) reports on the likely significant environmental effects of the amendments in the AP i.e. amendments to the High Speed Rail (West Midlands to Crewe) Bill which are outside the scope of the existing powers and limits of the Bill.

Since deposit of the Supplementary Environmental Statement 1 and Additional Provision 1 Environmental Statement, further changes and amendments to the Phase 2a scheme have been proposed. The environmental assessment of these changes and amendments are presented in the Supplementary Environmental Statement 2 and Additional Provision 2 Environmental Statement.

Guide to the Additional Provision and Supplementary Environmental Statement

This guide does not form part of the SES and AP ES, but provides an explanation of what it is and what it contains.

Non-technical summary

This provides a summary, in non-technical language, of the HS2 Phase 2a SES and AP ES.

Volume 1: Introduction and methodology

An introduction to the SES and AP ES and an overview of the environmental impact assessment process.

Volume 2: Community area reports and maps

This volume contains 5 reports and associated map books, where relevant. The reports describe the likely significant environmental effects of the changes and amendments in the SES and AP ES in geographical areas (known as ‘community areas’).

Volume 3: Route-wide effects

Describes the likely significant environmental effects of the changes and amendments in the SES and AP ES which are likely to occur on a greater scale than the effects described in Volume 2.

Volume 5: Technical appendices and maps

Technical reports and maps containing supporting information and associated maps which should be read in conjunction with the other volumes of the SES and AP ES.

Background information and data

These documents are not part of the HS2 Phase 2a SES and AP ES but have been used to inform the reports on the significant environmental effects presented in the SES and AP ES.

Competency statement

Provides the qualifications of the consultants involved in producing the Environmental Statement and the SES and AP ES.

Updates to this page

Published 23 March 2018
Last updated 8 February 2019 show all updates
  1. Updated to reflect the deposit of AP2

  2. First published.