Income Dynamics statistics
Income Dynamics statistics provide information on changes in income over time and rates of persistent low income.
Next release
The next release of Income Dynamics statistics will be published on 27 March 2025.
There are 2 changes to note for this year’s publication:
a change to the cross-sectional weight – this affects single-year estimates such as median income calculations. The change in weight follows the introduction of a sample boost in the Understanding Society survey.
an extension of age categories for working-age adults – this affects persistent low income tables, introducing a new category of 65 to 74 year-olds, following changes to the State Pension Age.
Further information on these changes will be provided when the statistics are published.
Income Dynamics provides estimates of the rates of persistent low income and of income mobility. An individual is classed as being in persistent low income if they are in low income in at least 3 out of 4 years.
Income Dynamics also provides estimates of mobility across the income distribution. This includes low income entry and exit rates rates, and analysis of how different income, employment and demographic events are linked to these low income entries and exits.
The Income Dynamics publication is based on Understanding Society, a longitudinal survey run by the University of Essex.
Find future release dates in the statistics calendar and more about Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) statistics on the Statistics at DWP page.
Latest release
Previous releases
In 2018, DWP carried out a consultation to help develop the Income Dynamics publication.
Related publications
Updates to this page
Added information to the page that the next release of Income Dynamics statistics will be published on 27 March 2025
New page 'Income Dynamics: 2010 to 2022' and its supporting documents have been added.
Added information to the page that the next release of Income Dynamic statistics will be published on 21 March 2024.
Added a link to latest Income Dynamics statistics, data for 2010 to 2021.
Added information about the next release of Income Dynamics statistics, due to be published on 23 March 2023.
Added a link to latest Income Dynamics statistics, data for 2010 to 2020.
Added a link to latest Income Dynamics statistics, data for 2010 to 2019.
Added a note about the information in the next release of the Income Dynamics statistics, this will be published on 25 March 2021.
Added link to latest Income Dynamics, 2010 to 2018 data.
Added link to latest Income Dynamics, 2010 to 2017 data.
First published.