
Income Tax deducted from pay by industry statistics

Income Tax deducted from pay by industry shows the industry distribution of PAYE (Pay As You Earn) tax deducted from pay by tax year.


All data derived from the survey are the property of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), not the third party technology provider, and will not be divulged or shared with any third parties. Some data may be disclosed in response to a Freedom of Information request, but any personal data will be protected in accordance with obligations under the Data Protection Act.

Publication and revision strategy

These statistics are published annually, usually in the summer. Release dates will be announced on the UK Statistics Hub and the HMRC national statistics release schedule. Any delays to the publication date will be announced on the HMRC national statistics website.

User engagement

HMRC is committed to providing impartial quality statistics that meet user needs. HMRC encourages users to engage with them so they can improve the official statistics and identify gaps in the statistics that are produced. If you would like to provide feedback on these statistics, please see the contact details provided below.

Contact details

Christine Yau


Official statistics

Other statistics information

Updates to this page

Published 9 July 2013
Last updated 28 November 2019 + show all updates
  1. Publication updated to include most recent tax year data and changes to 'User engagement' paragraph.

  2. Updated tables

  3. Links reviewed on this page and updated

  4. First published.