Indemnities for Returning Officers and Petition Officers
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities provides Returning Officers and Petition Officers with an indemnity against uninsured claims that arise out of the conduct of their duties in relation to UK Parliamentary and Police and Crime Commissioner elections and recall petitions.
Previously the Cabinet Office also provided an indemnity to Returning Officers in relation to European Parliamentary Elections. That indemnity ended at the point when the UK left the European Union.
UK Parliamentary Elections
This indemnity is provided to Returning Officers and Acting Returning Officers in relation to UK Parliamentary elections.
Police and Crime Commissioner Elections
This indemnity is provided to Police Area Returning Officers and Local Returning Officers in relation to the 2024 Police and Crime Commissioner elections.
Recall Petitions
This indemnity is provided to Petition Officers in relation to the performance of their responsibilities under the Recall of MPs Act 2015.