Induction, training and support for early career teachers (ECTs)
Information on the 2-year induction for ECTs, also the DfE-funded training based on the early career framework (ECF) that is now part of statutory induction.
ECT induction
ECF-based training
Statutory guidance
Policy papers
Updates to this page
'ECF-based training' section has been updated with information on 'Managing training for early career teachers'.
'How to set up training for early career teachers' and 'How to manage early career teacher training' added under the 'ECF-based training' section. 'Guidance for schools: how to manage ECF-based training' removed.
‘Backfill payments for time off timetable for early career framework (ECF) mentor training (national roll-out)’ has been added to the section ‘ECF-based training’.
First published.