
Industry Sector Deals

Sector Deals between government and industry.

Partnerships between the government and industry on sector-specific issues can create significant opportunities to boost productivity, employment, innovation and skills.

We know that these partnerships can work from our experience of decade-long partnerships such as the Auto Council and the Office for Life Sciences to more recent collaborations including tourism, creative industries, space and professional and business services.

We are committed to extending these successful partnerships to other parts of the economy.

Introduction to Sector Deals


Artificial Intelligence



Creative Industries

Life Sciences


Offshore wind



Updates to this page

Published 6 December 2017
Last updated 28 June 2019 show all updates
  1. Tourism sector deal added.

  2. Offshore wind Sector Deal added.

  3. Construction Sector Deal published.

  4. Nuclear Sector Deal published.

  5. AI Sector Deal published.

  6. Creative Industries Sector Deal published.

  7. Automotive Sector Deal published.

  8. First published.