Teacher development statistics
Ofsted inspection statistics for initial teacher education (ITE) provision and early career framework (ECF) and national professional qualification (NPQ) provision in England.
The official statistics release for initial teacher education (ITE) inspections and outcomes will now be expanded to include inspections of early career framework (ECF) and national professional qualification (NPQ) lead providers. ECF / NPQ outcomes were previously published in a separate transparency release. To reflect this change, the official statistics release will be renamed “teacher development inspections and outcomes.”
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Latest data
The most recent data releases covering teacher development outcomes.
Official Statistics
Official Statistics follow the UK Statistics Authority’s Code of Practice for Statistics. They include a main findings document that looks at trends in the data. We publish Official Statistics for initial teacher education inspections annually.
Inspection data
Management information of initial teacher education inspections, published in the interest of transparency. We publish this release annually.
Transparency data
Outcomes of early career framework (ECF) and national professional qualification (NPQ) inspections and monitoring visits. We publish this data annually.
Five-Year Ofsted Inspection Data
Five-Year Ofsted Inspection Data shows Ofsted inspection outcomes over 5 years.
Data before September 2019
Publications containing data older than September 2019.
Updates to this page
Updated page with the latest official statistics release, 'Teacher development: inspections and outcomes as at 31 August 2024'. We have now increased the scope of the ITE inspection outcome reports to also include outcomes for ECF and NPQ provisions.
Added 'Outcomes of early career framework (ECF) and national professional qualification (NPQ) inspections and monitoring visits between September 2022 and August 2023' transparency data and redesigned the page.
Added 'Initial teacher education inspections and outcomes as at 31 August 2022'.
Added the latest release for initial teacher education inspections and outcomes as at 30 June 2020.
Published Initial teacher education inspections and outcomes as at 30 June 2019.
Added an explanation for the change in publication date for ‘Initial teacher education: inspections and outcomes as at 30 June 2019’ official statistics.
Published initial teacher education inspections and outcomes as at 30 June 2018.
Published initial teacher education inspections and outcomes as at 30 June 2017.
Published: outcomes from inspections between September 2015 to August 2016.
Management information to 31 January 2016 added.
First published.