Innovate UK: Urban living
Information about Innovate UK’s urban living programme for businesses that might want to seek funding and support in this area.
People who live in cities tend to be more productive, better educated, wealthier and more likely to start a business. But cities are not without their challenges. Traffic congestion, air pollution, climate change, and a lack of joined-up thinking are just some of them.
Future cities: investing in better places to live, work and play
Future cities UK: investing in better places to live, work and play
How to watch this YouTube video There's a YouTube video on this page. You can't access it because of your cookie settings. You can change your cookie settings or watch the video on YouTube instead: Future cities UK: investing in better places to live, work and play
Meeting these challenges will make our cities better places to live, work and play. It also presents an opportunity for UK businesses to take a lead in the multi-billion pound global market for future city solutions.
Re-imagining the UK high street: boosting the UK retail sector
How to watch this YouTube video There's a YouTube video on this page. You can't access it because of your cookie settings. You can change your cookie settings or watch the video on YouTube instead: Re-imagining the High Street
Our programme supports projects in fields including:
- tools for integrating data
- city-scale simulation and modelling
- rethinking urban infrastructure and services through integration
- providing practical evidence of the effectiveness of integrated urban living
Our work in urban living
This section provides information on the sorts of projects that have been supported as part of Innovate UK’s urban living programme, and the people and organisations working in it.
Success stories
Find out about some of the successful business projects supported by the urban living programme.
Read some of our blog posts on urban living to get inspiration and information.
Updates to this page
Published 18 November 2015Last updated 30 November 2015 + show all updates
Latest blog added: Bristol Festival of the Future City
First published.