Intelligent infrastructure systems
Foresight project looking at the the transport challenges which the UK will face between now and 2050.
Movement of goods and people is an essential part of economic activity. But it uses up a high and growing proportion of many resources, not least time.
The aim of the project was to explore how science and technology could be applied over the next 50 years to the design and implementation of intelligent transport infrastructure systems that are robust, sustainable and safe.
The project’s objectives were to:
- focus on transportation of goods and people and the alternatives to mass movement
- look at the future of transportation systems, and the application of information technologies and infrastructure
- provide a view of the future technologies and suggest how best to use them
- explain the opportunities and challenges posed by intelligent infrastructure
A review of futures work was carried out, to make sure that the project built on the existing evidence. Eighteen state-of-the-science reviews were produced, setting out current science capabilities, areas of interesting research, and the science community’s view of future capabilities.
The project was sponsored by the Department for Transport.