
International Partnerships in Space Programme (IPSP)

The IPSP was a pilot programme which ended on the 31st March 2016.

The International Partnerships in Space Programme (IPSP) was a 2 year, £32 million programme established and led by the UK Space Agency. The aim of the programme is to open opportunities for the UK space sector to share expertise in real-world satellite technology and services overseas and develop international partnerships for mutual benefit.

Through this programme we will provide grants under the Science and Technology act of up to 50% (or for medium and small companies 60% or 70 % respectively). These grants have now been awarded. During the first call seven projects were selected which can be viewed below. More projects have been selected under call two and these will be announced in September ‘15.

The objectives for this programme are to show the benefits that UK satellite or space technology can provide over terrestrial solution; these are provided in terms of societal or economic benefits, for countries that currently do not have these capabilities or wish to develop them further. It is about the UK learning from the partnership with these countries, and establishing the UK as the partner of choice with these countries once they are in a position to acquire or enhance their own space or satellite infrastructure.

The projects selected range from telecommunications delivered by low-cost CubeSats, to e-finance solutions and access to maternal health in remote locations. The new projects will demonstrate how UK satellite or space technology can provide societal and economic benefits to countries that do not currently have such capabilities.

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Published 20 September 2017