
Keep it, Bin it: anti-littering campaign

A national anti-littering campaign to make littering culturally unacceptable in a generation.

Keep it, Bin it

The Keep it, Bin it campaign calls for an end to rubbish excuses for littering and encourages people to responsibly dispose of their litter.

The campaign has a clear call to action: if there’s not a bin, keep your rubbish and then bin it when there is one.

This is one of the largest government-led anti-littering campaigns to date. We have joined forces with environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy and are partnering with leading brands across a range of sectors to run the campaign. Together, we can make a real change.

Tackling litter is a government priority, set out in the Litter Strategy for England and the 25 Year Environment Plan, launched in early 2018 by the Prime Minister.

Becoming a campaign partner

We are keen to hear from commercial and charitable organisations that are interested in joining our campaign.

Simply email our partnerships team at to express an interest.

You can follow the campaign by searching #KeepItBinIt

Alternatively, you can like the Defra Facebook page or follow us on Instagram to see the latest campaign activity.

Government policy

We will work with others to clean up the country and change attitudes towards littering. These documents set out our targets and what is expected from councils and others helping us to achieve them.

Updates to this page

Published 30 November 2018
Last updated 15 March 2019 show all updates
  1. Updated the email address for partnership teams to express an interest to:

  2. Updated the email address to send expression of interests for becoming a partner.

  3. First published.