
Leading homebuilding and regeneration

Guidance on project governance, community engagement, programme and project management, effective resourcing and risk management.

Homes England is committed to supporting the creation of vibrant and successful places, and working with local leaders to help deliver their vision for their communities.

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Guidance on governance of the construction management process, and defining roles and responsibilities.

Watch this YouTube video for an in-depth look at the RACI (responsible, accountable, consulted and informed) model.

Community engagement

Guidance on how to approach and deliver effective and meaningful community engagement, which is critical to designing places that meet people’s needs.

Watch this Homes England video on an introduction to community engagement.

Involve are the UK’s public participation charity, with several resources related to participation and public engagement.

Programme and project management

Guidance on and tools for effective project management, including developing a project vision and a business case, project initiation documentation (PID), project reporting and change control.

The Association for Project Management (APM) has guidance for project managers on creating a strong business case for a project.

They also provide a glossary of project management terms to support project professionals.

The Welsh Government has guidance on how to develop a project business case using the better business case approach.

The Institute of Project Management (IPM) has guidance on what a project management office (PMO) is and how it maintains project management standards.

The Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) has developed technical guidance on project and programme management for local authorities.

The Construction Innovation Hub has developed a roadmap that adopts a data-led approach to the management of buildings and estates.

They have also developed the Local Authority Government Soft Landings (GSL) Interactive Navigator in association with the National Association of Construction Frameworks (NACF) and the Local Government Association (LGA) to help councils get the most out of their buildings and estates.

The National Housing Federation (NHF) has developed guidance on Building Information Modelling (BIM) and how it can support the construction, handover and management of safer, high-quality buildings.

The UK BIM Framework provides guidance on the overarching approach to implementing Building Information Modelling in the UK.

The University of Leeds has outlined the RACI process, which helps identify roles and responsibilities during a change process.

Watch this Homes England video about the Compliance Audit Programme for affordable housing providers.

Resourcing and recruitment

Guidance on recruitment services, as well as information on developing skills and capacity to support placemaking and regeneration.

Public Practice has an associate programme helping public-sector organisations recruit mid-career level placemaking professionals.

The Local Government Association offers Local Authorities assistance in recruiting graduates into their planning teams.

Watch this Homes England video on the impact of having well-resourced teams to support place-shaping activity.

Risk management

Guidance on understanding risk and implementing successful risk analyses, and how to implement and use risk management tools.

The Association for Project Management has a resource that outlines what risk management is and how project professionals can proactively manage it as part of their project.

They have also developed a mini-guide on the processes involved in project risk analysis and management.

Updates to this page

Published 25 July 2023
Last updated 10 December 2024 show all updates
  1. In 'Community engagement' 5 broken links from Public Practice have been removed. In 'Governance' 1 broken link from Public Practice has been removed. In' Programme and project management' 1 broken link from the Northern Ireland Department of Finance has been removed.

  2. Added a link to Pathways to Planning: information for councils under Resourcing and recruitment, to assist local authorities with recruiting graduates into their planning teams.

  3. Added a link to a glossary of project management terms to the programme and project management group.

  4. Added 'Principles for Project success guidance to the Programme and project management document collection. Added Functional Standards guidance to the Governance document collection. Added Estate regeneration: resident engagement and protection guidance to the Community engagement document collection. Removed Guidance from Designing Buildings from Governance text section and Programme and project management text section.

  5. First published.