
Life Opportunities Survey

Survey results providing data on how disabled and non-disabled people participate in society.

This was a major study, carried out for the Office for Disability Issues, part of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). It ran from June 2009 to September 2014 and provides facts and figures comparing how disabled and non-disabled people participate in society in a number of areas. These areas include:

  • work
  • education
  • social participation
  • transport and use of public services

The survey aimed to identify the reasons why people do not take part in these areas as much as they would like to. It also explored topics such as living standards, housing, discrimination and crime.

The ONS ran the survey throughout the year across Great Britain. It interviewed a random sample of households, with sectors of society chosen to reflect the general population.

Find contact information and more about DWP statistics on the Statistics at DWP page.

Survey results

Updates to this page

Published 9 August 2013
Last updated 10 September 2015 show all updates
  1. Published the final results from the Life Opportunities Survey (wave 3).

  2. Published 'Life opportunities survey: wave 2, part 2 results'.

  3. Release of Life Opportunities Survey - Wave Two, Part II announced for 10 April 2014

  4. First published.