
Location of all UK regular service and civilian personnel quarterly statistics: index

Statistics on the stationed location of all UK regular service and civilian personnel, and all international global locations.

Following a public consultation on changes to the MOD’s personnel statistics, the frequency of this publication changed from quarterly to annually. The annual statistics are available at a new index page.

Upcoming release dates for this publication are available here.


Updates to this page

Published 25 February 2014
Last updated 17 May 2018 show all updates
  1. Added Location of UK regular service and civilian personnel quarterly statistics: 2018.

  2. Added information on the outcome of a public consultation on MOD's personnel statistics.

  3. Added link to public consultation.

  4. Added Location of UK regular service and civilian personnel quarterly statistics: 2017

  5. Added Location of UK regular service and civilian personnel quarterly statistics 2016

  6. Included a sentence with link for upcoming release dates.

  7. Added new page for 2015.

  8. First published.