Behaviour in schools
How school staff can develop a behaviour policy.
Applies to England
This guidance is for:
- multi-academy trusts
- trust boards and proprietors
- governing bodies
- school leaders and staff
- local authorities
It applies to all:
- maintained schools
- academies
- free schools
- non-maintained special schools
- independent schools
You should use this document, and the further guidance and resources provided, to promote good behaviour in school.
Read it alongside:
Updates to this page
Updated the section on mobile phones in ‘Behaviour in schools: advice for headteachers and school staff’.
Updated the ‘Details’ section of the page to make it clear that the guidance also applies to independent schools. There are no changes to the guidance.
Updated paragraph 58 in the section about responding to the behaviour of pupils with SEND in the guidance for use from 1 September 2022. Removed the guidance that was for use until 31 August 2022.
Updated with 'Behaviour in schools: advice for headteachers and school staff 2022'.
First published.