
Migration analysis at the Home Office

This page provides a hub for collections and the latest updates relating to published statistics, research and evaluation on migration.


Statistics Research Impact assessments Transparency data EMN reports Other resources

Home Office statistics on migration

All statistical publications can be found in the Home Office migration statistics collection.

Our latest published reports include:

Home Office research on migration

All research reports can be found in the Home Office research on migration collection.

A selection of key reports are:

Impact assessments

A collection of  Home Office impact assessments can be found in the Impact Assessments covering migration policy page.

Transparency data

A collection of our monthly Windrush Compensation Scheme release.

Further data on Border Force, UK Visas and Immigration Enforcement and His Majesty’s Passport Office performance can also be found in the Migration transparency data collection page.

European Migration Network (EMN) reports

Research published by the UK as part of the European Migration Network (EMN) can be found on the EMN website publication page.

Other resources

Updates to this page

Published 24 August 2023
Last updated 27 February 2025 show all updates
  1. Updated link to 'Immigration system statistics, year ending December 2024'.

  2. Updated link to 'Immigration system statistics, year ending September 2024'.

  3. Updated links to 'Immigration system statistics, year ending June 2024' and 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending June 2024'.

  4. Updated links to 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending March 2024', 'Immigration system statistics, year ending March 2024'. The latest EU Settlement Scheme statistics for the year ending March 2024 have been incorporated into the Immigration system statistics quarterly release.

  5. Added link to 'Student visa: Views of students and higher education institutions'.

  6. Updated links to 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending December 2023', 'Immigration system statistics, year ending December 2023' and 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, December 2023'.

  7. Updated links to 'Irregular migration to the UK, year ending September 2023', 'Immigration system statistics, year ending September 2023' and 'EU Settlement Scheme quarterly statistics, September 2023'.

  8. First published.