
Minutes of the Libraries Taskforce

This collection brings together all the minutes from the Libraries Taskforce

The Taskforce was active between 2015 to 2020

An overview of the Libraries Taskforce and its members is on a separate page.

The governance of the Libraries Taskforce board is set out in our terms of reference.


Updates to this page

Published 17 August 2015
Last updated 24 February 2020 + show all updates
  1. Minutes from the twenty-sixth meeting of the Libraries Taskforce published.

  2. Adding twenty-fifth meeting minutes

  3. Minutes of the twenty fourth meeting of the Libraries Taskforce published.

  4. Minutes of the twenty-third meeting were added

  5. Minutes of the twenty-second meeting of the Libraries Taskforce were added.

  6. Minutes of the 21st meeting added

  7. Minutes of the twentieth meeting of the Libraries Taskforce added.

  8. Minutes of the 19th meeting of the Taskforce added

  9. Minutes of the 18th meeting added

  10. Minutes of the seventeenth meeting added

  11. Minutes of the sixteenth meeting added

  12. Minutes of the fifteenth meeting of the Libraries Taskforce added.

  13. Minutes of the fourteenth meeting of the Libraries Taskforce added.

  14. Fourteenth meeting of the Libraries Taskforce published

  15. Minutes of the thirteenth meeting added

  16. Minutes of the twelfth meeting published

  17. Minutes of the eleventh meeting of the Libraries Taskforce published

  18. Minutes of the tenth meeting added

  19. Minutes of the ninth meeting added

  20. minutes of the eighth Taskforce meeting added

  21. Minutes from the seventh meeting of the Taskforce published

  22. Minutes from the sixth Taskforce meeting added

  23. Fourth meeting minutes added

  24. First published.