DCMS-sponsored museums and galleries statistics
This series brings together all documents relating to DCMS-sponsored museums and galleries statistics
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport sponsors 15 national museums and galleries who provide free entry to their permanent collections. The DCMS-sponsored museums and galleries are publicly funded organisations and agree with DCMS on a set of priorities, targets and performance measures which are set out in their management agreements. Management agreements set out the amount of government (‘Grant-in-Aid’) funding each sponsored museum or gallery will receive, the government’s priorities and expectations for how this money should be spent, and the performance indicators by which each will be assessed by DCMS.
DCMS publishes a set of Official Statistics releases based on the administrative data provided by the sponsored museums and galleries in accordance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics, as set out by the UK Statistics Authority. These are listed below.
Monthly visits to the DCMS-sponsored museums and galleries
Monthly provisional statistics on the number of visits to the sponsored museums and galleries are published every quarter on the Museums and galleries monthly visits gov.uk page. This data dates back to April 2004. For further information, see the latest Museums and galleries monthly visits statistics.
DCMS-sponsored museums and galleries annual performance indicators
DCMS has set out a list of performance indicators in the management agreements to measure the performance of the sponsored museums and galleries. This includes data on the number of annual visits made to the sponsored museums and galleries by overseas visitors and child visitors. All data is collected according to the guidelines issued in the Performance indicator guidance. This data is published annually as part of the DCMS-Sponsored Museums and Galleries Annual Performance Indicators series.
Total income of DCMS-funded cultural organisations
This release presents the total income (fundraising income, donated objects and Grant-in-Aid) of the DCMS-funded cultural organisations which are the 15 sponsored museums and galleries (see list above), Arts Council England and its National Portfolio Organisations, British Film Institute, British Library and Historic England. The income data is published annually as part of the Total Income of DCMS-funded cultural organisations series.
Daily visits to the DCMS-sponsored museums and galleries
Daily experimental statistics on the number of visits to the sponsored museums and galleries were published every week to monitor the effect of the easing of COVID-19 related restrictions. These cover the period from the 15th July 2020 onwards until 4th November 2020. For further information, see the latest Museums and galleries daily visits statistics.
For any queries please contact evidence@dcms.gov.uk.