
National Infrastructure Planning Guidance Portal

Provides access to and updates on the status of existing and newly published National Infrastructure Planning Guidance.

National Infrastructure Planning Guidance Portal

The Planning Act 2008 (as amended) sets out the process through which applications for development consent are made for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) in the fields of energy, transport, water, wastewater, and waste and how such applications can be examined by the Examining Authority and determined by the relevant Secretary of State.

This National Infrastructure Planning Guidance Portal enables quick and easy access to up-to-date National Infrastructure Planning Guidance. It is being introduced as part of the government’s recent reforms to the NSIP system.

The National Infrastructure Planning Guidance Portal is coordinated by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government as a central source for all users who wish to find guidance on all aspects of the NSIP system from pre-application through to post-consent changes, and a range of related matters.

The National Infrastructure Planning Guidance Portal ensures that all people involved in NSIPs have access to a clear and easy to navigate electronic repository of up-to-date guidance.

Status of National Infrastructure Planning Guidance

This is a high-level summary of all changes to the National Infrastructure Planning Guidance including document references and dates of it coming into force.

New National Infrastructure Planning Guidance

As of 30 April 2024, the following new National Infrastructure Planning Guidance is in force:

Existing National Infrastructure Planning Guidance remaining in force

As of 30 April 2024, the following legacy guidance documents remain in force. Proposed revision dates are outlined below:

Existing National Infrastructure Planning Guidance Publication date Expected revision date
Planning Act 2008: application form 03-Jun-13 Autumn 2024
Planning Act 2008: associated development applications for major infrastructure projects 26-Apr-13 Autumn 2024
Planning Act 2008: awards of costs - examinations of applications for development consent orders 12-Jul-13 Winter 2024
Planning Act 2008: changes to Development Consent Orders 16-Dec-15 Winter 2024
Planning Act 2008: Infrastructure Planning (Fees) Regulations 2010 09-May-19 Autumn 2024
Planning Act 2008: nationally significant infrastructure projects and housing 21-Mar-17 Autumn 2024
Planning Act 2008: procedures for the compulsory acquisition of land 09-Sep-13 Autumn 2024
Guidance on procedural requirements for major infrastructure projects 31-Dec-20 Winter 2024
Planning Act 2008: Guidance on the process for carrying out a review of existing National Policy Statement 20-May-21 Winter 2024

As of 30 April 2024, the following guidance documents have been replaced by new and updated guidance:

Superseded National Infrastructure Planning Guidance Publication date Date replaced Replaced by
Planning Act 2008: guidance on the pre-application process for major infrastructure projects 26-Mar-15 30-Apr-24 Planning Act 2008: Pre-application stage for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (April 2024)

Planning Act 2008: Acceptance stage for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (April 2024)
Planning Act 2008: examination of applications for development consent 26-Mar-15 30-Apr-24 Planning Act 2008: Pre-examination stage for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (April 2024)

Planning Act 2008: Examination stage for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (April 2024)

Existing guidance documents will be reviewed as set out above but in some cases little or no change to the content of guidance may be warranted.

Planning Inspectorate advice   

The National Infrastructure Planning Guidance should continue to be read in conjunction with the Advice prepared by the Planning Inspectorate.

Planning Inspectorate Advice is in place to continue to inform and assist all those involved in NSIPs by sharing good practice across sectors and across projects.

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National Infrastructure Planning Guidance

Updates to this page

Published 17 April 2024
Last updated 30 April 2024 show all updates
  1. Added guidance on Pre-application; Fast-track; Content of a Development Consent Order; Acceptance; Pre-examination; and Examination.

  2. First published.