
NNC probation documents 2006 to 2014

Legacy probation documents published for transparency

The transfer of staff from probation trusts to the National Probation Service (NPS) and to relevant Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) took place, for the majority of staff on 1 June 2014.

The relevant transfer schemes – the main one being the Offender Management Act 2007 (Probation Service) Staff Transfer Scheme 2014 – set out the terms of transfer.

Before the transfer a National Agreement was reached with the Probation Service unions and MoJ.

Published purely as a resource tool for potential legacy issues, these documents helped shape the details of the transfer.


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Published 1 June 2014
Last updated 9 May 2018 show all updates
  1. Updated to split NNC and SCCOG documents into seprarate document collections.

  2. First published.